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Activating the body’s own immune system to selectively regulate fat and muscle metabolism.

Combination approaches are using GLP-1 to selectively eliminate fat mass and target the myostatin & activin signaling pathway to preserve muscle. Myostatin binds to the activin type IIB receptor (ActRIIB) on muscle cell membranes, resulting in the degradation of muscles. Blocking the myostatin-ActRIIB pathway is hypothesized to reverse this muscle wasting.

Myostatin, a Negative Regulator of Muscle Growth, Functions by Inhibiting Myoblast Proliferation*, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 275, Issue 51, 2000, Pages 40235-40243,

EL-22 Unique Mechanism of Action

EL-22 is a clinical stage, orally administrated engineered probiotic of lactobacillus casei expressing modified human myostatin antigens. EL-22 is administered as an oral therapeutic that dissolves in the small intestine tract. The drug is distributed to the Peyer’s patch, which results in an activated immune response.

EL-22 has demonstrated the ability to enhance mucosal immunity and produce systemic anti-myostatin IgG antibodies, which consequently inhibit myostatin, a key regulator of muscle and adipose tissue. When combined with FDA approved GLP-1 receptor agonists, this novel mechanism of action may reduce fat mass, preserve lean mass, and improve other metabolic parameters.

EL-22 is...


EL-22 is administered as a daily-oral that offers convenience, simplicity and a needle-free option to tackle the ongoing obesity pandemic.


EL-22 is an engineered probiotic with myostatin antigens to elicit an immune response that could help people achieve substantial fat loss while preserving muscle mass.

Immune Activating

Once EL-22 is dissolved in the small intestine, immune cells such as macrophages. T-cellsand dendritic cells are activated. These immune signals induce a humoral and systemic immunity to block myostatin and preserve lean muscle mass while improving other metabolic parameters.
